Jewelry with a Giving Mission

Our Mission is to Support Programs for People with Parkinson's and their Family Caregivers.

A Message From Katherine Autin

Thank you for your support of our giving mission. A portion of every sale supports education, advocacy, and innovative programs for individuals living with Parkinson's disease and their family caregivers. I know only too well the complicated and difficult Parkinson's journey as I am a caregiver for my husband David who was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2004. We know now he has had symptoms around 45 years. The Parkinson's community is my family.


Katherine provides advocacy and education to the Parkinson's and family caregiver community worldwide.  She is a Parkinson's Expert and Board Certified Patient Advocate (BCPA). In 2018, she was one of the first in the country to be recognized nationally with this new healthcare designation. In 2004 her husband, John David was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. She has been devoting time to advocate for and educate people living with Parkinson's and their family caregivers about strategies to live better with this complicated disease and connect them with organizations who can help them.